Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, California
Join Expedition Art at LightBox Expo!
After years of holding workshops around the world, Bobby Chiu and the crew at Schoolism have teamed up with the creator of Emerald City Comic Con, Jim Demonakos, to bring to life an event that will truly represent the art community - LightBox Expo!
LBX was conceived as a way to bring together the best artists in animation, illustration, live action and gaming industries under one roof for the ultimate celebration of art. A place where we can come together once a year to hang out, share our art with the public, meet other artists, further our skills and educate those coming up in our respective industries.
Over the course of the weekend, we will be offering portfolio reviews, instructed life drawing, panels, live demos, special programming and much, much more! There’s lots to be done, and announcements will be coming out throughout the summer as we finalize all the amazing participants at LBX!
To ensure that the artists that attend will be respected and treated fairly as we create a wonderful new experience for the art community, we have put together the LBX Advisory Council, an ever-evolving group made up of some of the best artists and studio representatives in the business.
Come support Schoolism, and the many artists that participated in the In Danger book!
Aaron Blaise
Bobby Chiu
Brynn Metheney
Claire Wendling
David Levy
Iain McCaig
J.A.W. Cooper
Jason Chan
John Park
Justin “Coro” Kaufman
Karla Ortiz
Kei Acedera
Laurel D. Austin
Steph Laberis
Terryl Whitlatch
Wesley Burt
Viktor Kalvachev