Hawaiian Crow

" ʻalalā" by Kekai Kotaki (digital)

Being born and raised in Hawaii I wanted to draw an endangered species that was from there. There is many that I could choose from unfortunately. The ʻalalā or Hawaiian Crow was a chosen because of how critical its existence is.
— Kekai Kotaki


These crows were native to Hawaii. They originally inhabited all of the Hawaiian Islands, but their population dwindled over time until they became restricted to the western and southeastern mixed forests.

Family life

Hawaiian crows are somewhat unique in that both parents participate in the incubation of eggs. After mating, which occurs from March to July, both female and male will stay with the eggs, usually numbering between one and five, until they hatch a little over two weeks later. Until the offspring are able to feed themselves, they remain with their parents. Their vocalizations are widely varied and some considered more musical than other crows.


Hawaiian crows were able to live up to 25 years in the wild.

Hunting Habits/Diet

These crows are omnivorous. They eat fruits, shrubs, invertebrates and the eggs of small bird. While they normally prefer arboreal eating and foraging, they will also occasionally feed on the ground. Water is consumed most often indirectly from the fruit that they eat but is also found on dew and raindrops collected from leaves.


The Hawaiian crow is now extinct in the wild. There are around 125 individuals in captivity. Conservation organizations are working to reintroduce the Hawaiian Crow to the wild.

Fun Fact

The Hawaiian Crow is also known as ‘Alala,’ which means to cry out loud. Their vocalizations can sound like the meowing of a cat. It makes a wide variety of noises. As of 2002, they have been extinct in the wild, with only a small population remaining in captivity.

Why are They Endangered?

Habitat loss and illegal hunting led directly to the extinction of this species. Disease and non-native predators such as rats, feral cats and mongooses were likely influential as well. The current severely diminished captive population makes genetic diversity unlikely and any event, including disease or weather, potentially catastrophic.


Extinct in the Wild